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myDNA Nutrigenomics Testing

To understand what nutrigenomics is, we first have to understand how our body is built.

You may have heard of DNA or genes, but what are these? Let's imagine you are wanting to build a table, so you crack open a book. The book is divided into different chapters, each one tells you about creating a different part of the table - there's a chapter on making the table legs, a chapter on creating sturdy chairs, and there's a chapter on how to look after the table after you have finished making it. We can think of the chapters like the genes in our body - different "chapters" which tell our body how to do something - like what eye colour we should have, or how to make protein for muscles. The book is written in a language, and that is like the DNA. The way the DNA is combined creates the "chapters" or genes. 

Now, everyone should have the same number and types of genes, but there are differences between people. We can see this in how people look - some people have blue eyes, some people brown; some people have curly hair, some people straight hair. This is the same with other characteristics that we can't see - some people have a higher risk of diabetes or heart disease than others, some people may respond to certain foods or dietary patterns more favourably than others. This is something we can now assess through DNA testing.

The term "Nutrigenomics" is a combination of "nutrition" and "genomics" (which is the study of those gene "chapters"). So, if we put these two together, nutrigenomics is the area of science which looks at the impact of foods on how your genes are being read and expressed in your body, and how different genes might affect how certain nutrients are absorbed. So, understanding more about your genes can help you understand your specific body needs, and what your body may need more or less of.

Scroll down to see examples of what your myDNA test will be able to show you.

Sliced Avocado
Sliced Avocado

Heart Health

Understand how your body regulates, breaks down and processes fats, which are crucial to your heart health.

Image by Kate Stone Matheson

Sleep plays a huge role in your overall health, and your ability to make healthy choices, so understanding your ideal sleep pattern and how linked your sleep is to other chronic health disease means you can be improving your health as you sleep!

Sleep Patterns

Image by Kate Stone Matheson
Image by Kenny Eliason

Bone Health

Certain vitamins are crucial in the maintainance of strong bones. As we get older, this becomes particularly important. Women especially are at increased risk of bone conditions such as osteoporosis, so understanding if our bodies need an extra boost in these specfic nutrients to keep our bones healthy and strong is important for life-long health.

Fitness and Exercise

Are you cut out for endurance exercise, or are you more suited to power-based exercise? What are your stamina and recovery like? Get personalised insights to improve your training routine.

Friends Working Out

Ready to take the next step?

Check out more information about the myDNA tests here.

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